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# Authors: # Alexander Bokovoy <> # # Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>.
except Exception, e: _murmur_installed = False
except ImportError: _bindings_installed = False
Cross-realm trusts
Manage trust relationship between IPA and Active Directory domains.
In order to allow users from a remote domain to access resources in IPA domain, trust relationship needs to be established. Currently IPA supports only trusts between IPA and Active Directory domains under control of Windows Server 2008 or later, with functional level 2008 or later.
Please note that DNS on both IPA and Active Directory domain sides should be configured properly to discover each other. Trust relationship relies on ability to discover special resources in the other domain via DNS records.
1. Establish cross-realm trust with Active Directory using AD administrator credentials:
ipa trust-add --type=ad <ad.domain> --admin <AD domain administrator> --password
2. List all existing trust relationships:
ipa trust-find
3. Show details of the specific trust relationship:
ipa trust-show <ad.domain>
4. Delete existing trust relationship:
ipa trust-del <ad.domain>
Once trust relationship is established, remote users will need to be mapped to local POSIX groups in order to actually use IPA resources. The mapping should be done via use of external membership of non-POSIX group and then this group should be included into one of local POSIX groups.
1. Create group for the trusted domain admins' mapping and their local POSIX group:
ipa group-add --desc='<ad.domain> admins external map' ad_admins_external --external ipa group-add --desc='<ad.domain> admins' ad_admins
2. Add security identifier of Domain Admins of the <ad.domain> to the ad_admins_external group:
ipa group-add-member ad_admins_external --external 'AD\\Domain Admins'
3. Allow members of ad_admins_external group to be associated with ad_admins POSIX group:
ipa group-add-member ad_admins --groups ad_admins_external
4. List members of external members of ad_admins_external group to see their SIDs:
ipa group-show ad_admins_external """)
Str('ipantflatname', label=_('Domain NetBIOS name')), Str('ipanttrusteddomainsid', label=_('Domain Security Identifier')), Str('trustdirection', label=_('Trust direction')), Str('trusttype', label=_('Trust type')), Str('truststatus', label=_('Trust status')), )
2 : _('Active Directory domain'), 3 : _('RFC4120-compliant Kerberos realm')} 2 : _('Trusted forest'), 3 : _('Two-way trust')} False : _('Waiting for confirmation by remote side')}
""" Returns a string representing a type of the trust. The original field is an enum: LSA_TRUST_TYPE_DOWNLEVEL = 0x00000001, LSA_TRUST_TYPE_UPLEVEL = 0x00000002, LSA_TRUST_TYPE_MIT = 0x00000003 """ string = _trust_type_dict.get(int(level), _trust_type_dict_unknown) return unicode(string)
""" Returns a string representing a direction of the trust. The original field is a bitmask taking two bits in use LSA_TRUST_DIRECTION_INBOUND = 0x00000001, LSA_TRUST_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND = 0x00000002 """ string = _trust_direction_dict.get(int(level), _trust_type_dict_unknown) return unicode(string)
string = _trust_status_dict.get(level, _trust_type_dict_unknown) return unicode(string)
""" Trust object. """ 'ipanttrusttype', 'ipanttrustattributes', 'ipanttrustdirection', 'ipanttrustpartner', 'ipantauthtrustoutgoing', 'ipanttrustauthincoming', 'ipanttrustforesttrustinfo', 'ipanttrustposixoffset', 'ipantsupportedencryptiontypes' ] 'ipanttrusteddomainsid', 'ipanttrusttype' ]
Str('cn', cli_name='realm', label=_('Realm name'), primary_key=True, ), )
assert isinstance(dn, DN) if trust_type in trust.trust_types: container_dn = DN(('cn', trust_type), env.container_trusts, env.basedn) return DN(dn[0], container_dn) return dn
Add new trust to use.
This command establishes trust relationship to another domain which becomes 'trusted'. As result, users of the trusted domain may access resources of this domain.
Only trusts to Active Directory domains are supported right now.
The command can be safely run multiple times against the same domain, this will cause change to trust relationship credentials on both sides. ''')
StrEnum('trust_type', cli_name='type', label=_('Trust type (ad for Active Directory, default)'), values=(u'ad',), default=u'ad', autofill=True, ), Str('realm_admin?', cli_name='admin', label=_("Active Directory domain administrator"), ), Password('realm_passwd?', cli_name='password', label=_("Active directory domain administrator's password"), confirm=False, ), Str('realm_server?', cli_name='server', label=_('Domain controller for the Active Directory domain (optional)'), ), Password('trust_secret?', cli_name='trust_secret', label=_('Shared secret for the trust'), confirm=False, ), Int('base_id?', cli_name='base_id', label=_('First Posix ID of the range reserved for the trusted domain'), ), Int('range_size?', cli_name='range_size', label=_('Size of the ID range reserved for the trusted domain'), default=200000, autofill=True ), )
if not _murmur_installed and 'base_id' not in options: raise errors.ValidationError(name=_('missing base_id'), error=_('pysss_murmur is not available on the server ' \ 'and no base-id is given.'))
if 'trust_type' in options: if options['trust_type'] == u'ad': result = self.execute_ad(*keys, **options) else: raise errors.ValidationError(name=_('trust type'), error=_('only "ad" is supported')) else: raise errors.RequirementError(name=_('trust type'))
self.add_range(*keys, **options)
trust_filter = "cn=%s" % result['value'] ldap = self.obj.backend (trusts, truncated) = ldap.find_entries( base_dn = DN(api.env.container_trusts, api.env.basedn), filter = trust_filter)
result['result'] = trusts[0][1] result['result']['trusttype'] = [trust_type_string(result['result']['ipanttrusttype'][0])] result['result']['trustdirection'] = [trust_direction_string(result['result']['ipanttrustdirection'][0])] result['result']['truststatus'] = [trust_status_string(result['verified'])] del result['verified']
return result
new_obj = api.Command['trust_show'](keys[-1]) dom_sid = new_obj['result']['ipanttrusteddomainsid'][0];
range_name = keys[-1].upper()+'_id_range'
try: old_range = api.Command['idrange_show'](range_name) except errors.NotFound, e: old_range = None
if old_range: old_dom_sid = old_range['result']['ipanttrusteddomainsid'][0];
if old_dom_sid == dom_sid: return
raise errors.ValidationError(name=_('range exists'), error=_('ID range with the same name but different ' \ 'domain SID already exists. The ID range for ' \ 'the new trusted domain must be created manually.'))
if 'base_id' in options: base_id = options['base_id'] else: base_id = 200000 + (pysss_murmur.murmurhash3(dom_sid, len(dom_sid), 0xdeadbeef) % 10000) * 200000
try: new_range = api.Command['idrange_add'](range_name, ipabaseid=base_id, ipaidrangesize=options['range_size'], ipabaserid=0, ipanttrusteddomainsid=dom_sid) except Exception, e: raise errors.ValidationError(name=_('ID range exists'), error = _('ID range already exists, must be added manually'))
# Join domain using full credentials and with random trustdom # secret (will be generated by the join method) trustinstance = None if not _bindings_installed: raise errors.NotFound(name=_('AD Trust setup'), reason=_('''Cannot perform join operation without Samba 4 support installed. Make sure you have installed server-trust-ad sub-package of IPA'''))
if 'realm_server' not in options: realm_server = None else: realm_server = options['realm_server']
trustinstance = ipaserver.dcerpc.TrustDomainJoins(self.api) if not trustinstance.configured: raise errors.NotFound(name=_('AD Trust setup'), reason=_('''Cannot perform join operation without own domain configured. Make sure you have run ipa-adtrust-install on the IPA server first'''))
try: existing_trust = api.Command['trust_show'](keys[-1]) summary = _('Re-established trust to domain "%(value)s"') except errors.NotFound: summary = self.msg_summary # 1. Full access to the remote domain. Use admin credentials and # generate random trustdom password to do work on both sides if 'realm_admin' in options: realm_admin = options['realm_admin'] names = realm_admin.split('@') if len(names) > 1: # realm admin name is in UPN format, user@realm, check that # realm is the same as the one that we are attempting to trust if keys[-1].lower() != names[-1].lower(): raise errors.ValidationError(name=_('AD Trust setup'), error=_('Trusted domain and administrator account use different realms')) realm_admin = names[0]
if 'realm_passwd' not in options: raise errors.ValidationError(name=_('AD Trust setup'), error=_('Realm administrator password should be specified')) realm_passwd = options['realm_passwd']
try: result = trustinstance.join_ad_full_credentials(keys[-1], realm_server, realm_admin, realm_passwd) except errors.NotFound, e: error_message=_("Unable to resolve domain controller for '%s' domain. ") % (keys[-1]) instructions=[] if dns_container_exists(self.obj.backend): try: dns_zone = api.Command.dnszone_show(keys[-1])['result'] if ('idnsforwardpolicy' in dns_zone) and dns_zone['idnsforwardpolicy'][0] == u'only': instructions.append(_("Forward policy is defined for it in IPA DNS, " "perhaps forwarder points to incorrect host?")) except (errors.NotFound, KeyError) as e: instructions.append(_("IPA manages DNS, please verify " "your DNS configuration and " "make sure that service records " "of the '%(domain)s' domain can " "be resolved. Examples how to " "configure DNS with CLI commands " "or the Web UI can be found in " "the documentation. " ) % dict(domain=keys[-1])) else: instructions.append(_("Since IPA does not manage DNS records, ensure DNS " "is configured to resolve '%(domain)s' domain from " "IPA hosts and back.") % dict(domain=keys[-1])) raise errors.NotFound(reason=error_message, instructions=instructions)
if result is None: raise errors.ValidationError(name=_('AD Trust setup'), error=_('Unable to verify write permissions to the AD'))
ret = dict(['dns_domain'], verified=result['verified']) ret['summary'] = summary % ret return ret
# 2. We don't have access to the remote domain and trustdom password # is provided. Do the work on our side and inform what to do on remote # side. if 'trust_secret' in options: result = trustinstance.join_ad_ipa_half(keys[-1], realm_server, options['trust_secret']) ret = dict(['dns_domain'], verified=result['verified']) ret['summary'] = summary % ret return ret raise errors.ValidationError(name=_('AD Trust setup'), error=_('Not enough arguments specified to perform trust setup'))
assert isinstance(dn, DN) try: result = self.api.Command.trust_show(keys[-1]) except errors.NotFound, e: self.obj.handle_not_found(*keys) return result['result']['dn']
Modify a trust (for future use).
Currently only the default option to modify the LDAP attributes is available. More specific options will be added in coming releases. """)
assert isinstance(dn, DN) result = None try: result = self.api.Command.trust_show(keys[-1]) except errors.NotFound, e: self.obj.handle_not_found(*keys)
# TODO: we found the trust object, now modify it return result['result']['dn']
'%(count)d trust matched', '%(count)d trusts matched', 0 )
# Since all trusts types are stored within separate containers under 'cn=trusts', # search needs to be done on a sub-tree scope assert isinstance(base_dn, DN) return (filters, base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE)
if options.get('pkey_only', False): return truncated
for entry in entries: (dn, attrs) = entry attrs['trusttype'] = trust_type_string(attrs['ipanttrusttype'][0])
return truncated
error = None result = None for trust_type in trust.trust_types: options['trust_show_type'] = trust_type try: result = super(trust_show, self).execute(*keys, **options) except errors.NotFound, e: result = None error = e if result: result['result']['trusttype'] = [trust_type_string(result['result']['ipanttrusttype'][0])] result['result']['trustdirection'] = [trust_direction_string(result['result']['ipanttrustdirection'][0])] break if error or not result: self.obj.handle_not_found(*keys)
return result
assert isinstance(dn, DN) if 'trust_show_type' in options: return make_trust_dn(self.env, options['trust_show_type'], dn) return dn