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# Authors: Simo Sorce <> # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. #
get_dns_forward_zone_update_policy, get_dns_reverse_zone_update_policy, normalize_zone, get_reverse_zone_default, zone_is_reverse)
has_bind = True # So far this file is always present in both RHEL5 and Fedora if all the necessary # bind packages are installed (RHEL5 requires also the pkg: caching-nameserver) if not os.path.exists('/etc/named.rfc1912.zones'): print "BIND was not found on this system" print "Please install the 'bind' package and start the installation again" has_bind = False
# Also check for the LDAP BIND plug-in if not os.path.exists('/usr/lib/bind/') and \ not os.path.exists('/usr/lib64/bind/'): print "The BIND LDAP plug-in was not found on this system" print "Please install the 'bind-dyndb-ldap' package and start the installation again" has_bind = False
if not has_bind: return False
if not unattended and os.path.exists(NAMED_CONF): msg = "Existing BIND configuration detected, overwrite?" return ipautil.user_input(msg, False)
return True
return ipautil.user_input("Do you want to configure the reverse zone?", True)
try: named_fd = open(NAMED_CONF, 'r') except IOError: return False lines = named_fd.readlines() named_fd.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith('dynamic-db "ipa"'): return True return False
"""Get a configuration option in bind-dyndb-ldap section of named.conf"""
with open(NAMED_CONF, 'r') as f: ipa_section = False for line in f: if line.startswith('dynamic-db "ipa"'): ipa_section = True continue if line.startswith('};'): if ipa_section: break
if ipa_section: match = named_conf_ipa_re.match(line)
if match and name =='name'): return'value')
""" Set configuration option in bind-dyndb-ldap section of named.conf.
When the configuration option with given name does not exist, it is added at the end of ipa section in named.conf.
If the value is set to None, the configuration option is removed from named.conf. """ new_lines = []
with open(NAMED_CONF, 'r') as f: ipa_section = False matched = False last_indent = "\t" for line in f: if line.startswith('dynamic-db "ipa"'): ipa_section = True if line.startswith('};'): if ipa_section and not matched: # create a new conf new_conf = named_conf_ipa_template \ % dict(indent=last_indent, name=name, value=value) new_lines.append(new_conf) ipa_section = False
if ipa_section and not matched: match = named_conf_ipa_re.match(line)
if match: last_indent ='indent') if name =='name'): matched = True if value is not None: if not isinstance(value, basestring): value = str(value) new_conf = named_conf_ipa_template \ % dict(indent=last_indent, name=name, value=value) new_lines.append(new_conf) continue new_lines.append(line)
# write new configuration with open(NAMED_CONF, 'w') as f: f.write("".join(new_lines))
""" Test whether the dns container exists. """
def object_exists(dn): # FIXME, this should be a IPAdmin/ldap2 method so it can be shared """ Test whether the given object exists in LDAP. """ assert isinstance(dn, DN) try: conn.search_ext_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: return False else: return True
assert isinstance(suffix, DN) try: # At install time we may need to use LDAPI to avoid chicken/egg # issues with SSL certs and truting CAs if ldapi: conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(host=fqdn, ldapi=True, realm=realm) else: conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(host=fqdn, port=636, cacert=service.CACERT)
if dm_password: conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=dm_password) else: conn.do_sasl_gssapi_bind() except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: raise RuntimeError('LDAP server on %s is not responding. Is IPA installed?' % fqdn)
ret = object_exists(DN(('cn', 'dns'), suffix)) conn.unbind_s()
return ret
try: zone = api.Command.dnszone_show(unicode(name)) except ipalib.errors.NotFound: return False
if len(zone) == 0: return False else: return True
ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address) rev = '.' + normalize_zone(zone) fullrev = '.' + normalize_zone(ip.reverse_dns)
if not fullrev.endswith(rev): raise ValueError("IP address does not match reverse zone")
return fullrev[1:-len(rev)]
try: get_reverse_record_name(zone, ip_address) except ValueError: print "Invalid reverse zone %s" % zone return False
return True
ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address) zone = normalize_zone(ip.reverse_dns)
while len(zone) > 0: if dns_zone_exists(zone): return zone foo, bar, zone = zone.partition('.')
return None
return find_reverse_zone(ip_address) or get_reverse_zone_default(ip_address)
while True: zone = ipautil.user_input("Please specify the reverse zone name", default=default) if not zone: return None if verify_reverse_zone(zone, ip_address): break
return normalize_zone(zone)
update_policy=None, force=False): if zone_is_reverse(name): # always normalize reverse zones name = normalize_zone(name)
if update_policy is None: if zone_is_reverse(name): update_policy = get_dns_reverse_zone_update_policy(api.env.realm, name) else: update_policy = get_dns_forward_zone_update_policy(api.env.realm)
if zonemgr is None: zonemgr = 'hostmaster.%s' % name
if ns_hostname is None: # automatically retrieve list of DNS masters dns_masters = api.Object.dnsrecord.get_dns_masters() if not dns_masters: raise installutils.ScriptError( "No IPA server with DNS support found!") ns_main = dns_masters.pop(0) ns_replicas = dns_masters else: ns_main = ns_hostname ns_replicas = [] ns_main = normalize_zone(ns_main)
if ns_ip_address is not None: ns_ip_address = unicode(ns_ip_address)
try: api.Command.dnszone_add(unicode(name), idnssoamname=unicode(ns_main), idnssoarname=unicode(zonemgr), ip_address=ns_ip_address, idnsallowdynupdate=True, idnsupdatepolicy=unicode(update_policy), idnsallowquery=u'any', idnsallowtransfer=u'none', force=force) except (errors.DuplicateEntry, errors.EmptyModlist): pass
nameservers = ns_replicas + [ns_main] for hostname in nameservers: hostname = normalize_zone(hostname) add_ns_rr(name, hostname, dns_backup=None, force=True)
addkw = { '%srecord' % str(type.lower()) : unicode(rdata) } addkw.update(kwargs) try: api.Command.dnsrecord_add(unicode(zone), unicode(name), **addkw) except (errors.DuplicateEntry, errors.EmptyModlist): pass if dns_backup: dns_backup.add(zone, type, name, rdata)
addr = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address) if addr.version == 4: add_rr(zone, host, "A", ip_address) elif addr.version == 6: add_rr(zone, host, "AAAA", ip_address)
name = get_reverse_record_name(zone, ip_address) add_rr(zone, name, "PTR", fqdn+".", dns_backup)
if not hostname.endswith('.'): hostname += '.' add_rr(zone, "@", "NS", hostname, dns_backup=dns_backup, force=force)
delkw = { '%srecord' % str(type.lower()) : unicode(rdata) } try: api.Command.dnsrecord_del(unicode(zone), unicode(name), **delkw) except (errors.NotFound, errors.AttrValueNotFound, errors.EmptyModlist): pass
rectype = '%srecord' % unicode(type.lower()) ret = api.Command.dnsrecord_find(unicode(zone), unicode(name)) if ret['count'] > 0: for r in ret['result']: if rectype in r: return r[rectype]
return []
""" Properly validate and convert --zonemgr Option to IA5String """ # validate the value first try: validate_zonemgr(value) except ValueError, e: parser.error("invalid zonemgr: " + unicode(e))
parser.values.zonemgr = value
self.service = service self.zones = {}
""" Backup a DNS record in the file store so it can later be removed. """ if zone not in self.zones: zone_id = len(self.zones) self.zones[zone] = (zone_id, 0) self.service.backup_state("dns_zone_%s" % zone_id, zone)
(zone_id, record_id) = self.zones[zone] self.service.backup_state("dns_record_%s_%s" % (zone_id, record_id), "%s %s %s" % (record_type, host, rdata)) self.zones[zone] = (zone_id, record_id + 1)
""" Remove all records from the file store. If we are connected to ldap, we will also remove them there. """ i = 0 while True: zone = self.service.restore_state("dns_zone_%s" % i) if not zone: return
j = 0 while True: dns_record = self.service.restore_state("dns_record_%s_%s" % (i, j)) if not dns_record: break if have_ldap: type, host, rdata = dns_record.split(" ", 2) try: delkw = { '%srecord' % str(type.lower()) : unicode(rdata) } api.Command.dnsrecord_del(unicode(zone), unicode(host), **delkw) except: pass j += 1
i += 1
service.Service.__init__(self, "named", service_desc="DNS", dm_password=dm_password, ldapi=False, autobind=service.DISABLED ) self.dns_backup = DnsBackup(self) self.named_user = None self.domain = None = None self.ip_address = None self.realm = None self.forwarders = None self.sub_dict = None self.reverse_zone = None self.dm_password = dm_password
if fstore: self.fstore = fstore else: self.fstore = sysrestore.FileStore('/var/lib/ipa/sysrestore')
reverse_zone, named_user="named", zonemgr=None, zone_refresh=0, persistent_search=True, serial_autoincrement=True, ca_configured=None): self.named_user = named_user self.fqdn = fqdn self.ip_address = ip_address self.realm = realm_name self.domain = domain_name self.forwarders = forwarders = fqdn.split(".")[0] self.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(self.realm) self.ntp = ntp self.reverse_zone = reverse_zone self.zone_refresh = zone_refresh self.persistent_search = persistent_search self.serial_autoincrement = serial_autoincrement self.ca_configured = ca_configured
if not zonemgr: self.zonemgr = 'hostmaster.%s' % self.domain else: self.zonemgr = normalize_zonemgr(zonemgr)
def host_domain(self): return '.'.join(self.fqdn.split(".")[1:])
def host_in_rr(self): # when a host is not in a default domain, it needs to be referred # with FQDN and not in a domain-relative host name if not self.host_in_default_domain(): return normalize_zone(self.fqdn) return
return normalize_zone(self.host_domain) == normalize_zone(self.domain)
bind_txt = ipautil.template_file(ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "", self.sub_dict) [bind_fd, bind_name] = tempfile.mkstemp(".db","") os.write(bind_fd, bind_txt) os.close(bind_fd) print "Sample zone file for bind has been created in "+bind_name
try: self.stop() except: pass
# get a connection to the DS self.ldap_connect()
if installutils.record_in_hosts(self.ip_address, self.fqdn) is None: installutils.add_record_to_hosts(self.ip_address, self.fqdn)
if not dns_container_exists(self.fqdn, self.suffix, realm=self.realm, ldapi=True, dm_password=self.dm_password): self.step("adding DNS container", self.__setup_dns_container) if dns_zone_exists(self.domain): self.step("adding NS record to the zone", self.__add_self_ns) else: self.step("setting up our zone", self.__setup_zone) if self.reverse_zone is not None: self.step("setting up reverse zone", self.__setup_reverse_zone) self.step("setting up our own record", self.__add_self) self.step("setting up CA CNAME record", self.__add_ipa_ca_cname)
self.step("setting up kerberos principal", self.__setup_principal) self.step("setting up named.conf", self.__setup_named_conf)
self.step("restarting named", self.__start) self.step("configuring named to start on boot", self.__enable)
self.step("changing resolv.conf to point to ourselves", self.__setup_resolv_conf) self.start_creation()
try: self.backup_state("running", self.is_running()) self.restart() except: print "named service failed to start"
self.backup_state("enabled", self.is_running()) # We do not let the system start IPA components on its own, # Instead we reply on the IPA init script to start only enabled # components as found in our LDAP configuration tree try: self.ldap_enable('DNS', self.fqdn, self.dm_password, self.suffix) except errors.DuplicateEntry: # service already exists (forced DNS reinstall) # don't crash, just report error root_logger.error("DNS service already exists")
if self.forwarders: fwds = "\n" for forwarder in self.forwarders: fwds += "\t\t%s;\n" % forwarder fwds += "\t" else: fwds = " "
if self.ntp: optional_ntp = "\n;ntp server\n" optional_ntp += "_ntp._udp\t\tIN SRV 0 100 123\t%s" % self.host_in_rr else: optional_ntp = ""
boolean_var = {} for var in ('persistent_search', 'serial_autoincrement'): boolean_var[var] = "yes" if getattr(self, var, False) else "no"
self.sub_dict = dict(FQDN=self.fqdn, IP=self.ip_address, DOMAIN=self.domain,, REALM=self.realm, SERVER_ID=realm_to_serverid(self.realm), FORWARDERS=fwds, SUFFIX=self.suffix, OPTIONAL_NTP=optional_ntp, ZONEMGR=self.zonemgr, ZONE_REFRESH=self.zone_refresh, IPA_CA_CNAME=IPA_CA_CNAME, PERSISTENT_SEARCH=boolean_var['persistent_search'], SERIAL_AUTOINCREMENT=boolean_var['serial_autoincrement'],)
self._ldap_mod("dns.ldif", self.sub_dict)
nameserver_ip_address = self.ip_address if not self.host_in_default_domain(): # add DNS domain for host first root_logger.debug("Host domain (%s) is different from DNS domain (%s)!" \ % (self.host_domain, self.domain)) root_logger.debug("Add DNS zone for host first.")
add_zone(self.host_domain, self.zonemgr, dns_backup=self.dns_backup,, ns_ip_address=self.ip_address, force=True) # Nameserver is in self.host_domain, no forward record added to self.domain nameserver_ip_address = None # Always use force=True as named is not set up yet add_zone(self.domain, self.zonemgr, dns_backup=self.dns_backup,, ns_ip_address=nameserver_ip_address, force=True)
add_ns_rr(self.domain,, self.dns_backup, force=True)
if self.ca_configured is False: root_logger.debug("CA is not configured, skip this step") return elif self.ca_configured is None: # we do not know if CA is configured for this host and we can # add the CA CNAME record. So we need to find out root_logger.debug("Check if CA is enabled for this host") base_dn = DN(('cn',, ('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), api.env.basedn) ldap_filter = '(&(objectClass=ipaConfigObject)(cn=CA))' try: api.Backend.ldap2.find_entries(filter=ldap_filter, base_dn=base_dn) except ipalib.errors.NotFound: # CA is not configured root_logger.debug("CA is not configured") return else: root_logger.debug("CA is configured for this host, continue")
add_rr(self.domain, IPA_CA_CNAME, "CNAME", self.host_in_rr)
zone = self.domain resource_records = ( ("_ldap._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 389 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kerberos", "TXT", self.realm), ("_kerberos._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kerberos._udp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kerberos-master._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kerberos-master._udp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kpasswd._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 464 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kpasswd._udp", "SRV", "0 100 464 %s" % self.host_in_rr), )
for (host, type, rdata) in resource_records: if type == "SRV": add_rr(zone, host, type, rdata, self.dns_backup) else: add_rr(zone, host, type, rdata) if self.ntp: add_rr(zone, "_ntp._udp", "SRV", "0 100 123 %s" % self.host_in_rr)
# Add forward and reverse records to self add_fwd_rr(self.host_domain,, self.ip_address) if self.reverse_zone is not None and dns_zone_exists(self.reverse_zone): add_ptr_rr(self.reverse_zone, self.ip_address, self.fqdn)
# Always use force=True as named is not set up yet add_zone(self.reverse_zone, self.zonemgr,, dns_backup=self.dns_backup, force=True)
dns_principal = "DNS/" + self.fqdn + "@" + self.realm installutils.kadmin_addprinc(dns_principal)
# Store the keytab on disk self.fstore.backup_file("/etc/named.keytab") installutils.create_keytab("/etc/named.keytab", dns_principal) p = self.move_service(dns_principal) if p is None: # the service has already been moved, perhaps we're doing a DNS reinstall dns_principal = DN(('krbprincipalname', dns_principal), ('cn', 'services'), ('cn', 'accounts'), self.suffix) else: dns_principal = p
# Make sure access is strictly reserved to the named user pent = pwd.getpwnam(self.named_user) os.chown("/etc/named.keytab", pent.pw_uid, pent.pw_gid) os.chmod("/etc/named.keytab", 0400)
# modify the principal so that it is marked as an ipa service so that # it can host the memberof attribute, then also add it to the # dnsserver role group, this way the DNS is allowed to perform # DNS Updates dns_group = DN(('cn', 'DNS Servers'), ('cn', 'privileges'), ('cn', 'pbac'), self.suffix) mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'member', dns_principal)]
try: self.admin_conn.modify_s(dns_group, mod) except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: pass except Exception, e: root_logger.critical("Could not modify principal's %s entry: %s" \ % (dns_principal, str(e))) raise
# bind-dyndb-ldap persistent search feature requires both size and time # limit-free connection mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsTimeLimit', '-1'), (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSizeLimit', '-1'), (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsIdleTimeout', '-1'), (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsLookThroughLimit', '-1')] try: self.admin_conn.modify_s(dns_principal, mod) except Exception, e: root_logger.critical("Could not set principal's %s LDAP limits: %s" \ % (dns_principal, str(e))) raise
self.fstore.backup_file(NAMED_CONF) named_txt = ipautil.template_file(ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "bind.named.conf.template", self.sub_dict) named_fd = open(NAMED_CONF, 'w') named_fd.truncate(0) named_fd.write(named_txt) named_fd.close()
self.fstore.backup_file(RESOLV_CONF) resolv_txt = "search "+self.domain+"\nnameserver "+self.ip_address+"\n" resolv_fd = open(RESOLV_CONF, 'w') resolv_fd.truncate(0) resolv_fd.write(resolv_txt) resolv_fd.close()
reverse_zone, ntp=False, ca_configured=None): self.fqdn = fqdn self.ip_address = ip_address self.realm = realm_name self.domain = domain_name = fqdn.split(".")[0] self.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(self.realm) self.ntp = ntp self.reverse_zone = reverse_zone self.ca_configured = ca_configured
self.__add_self() self.__add_ipa_ca_cname() = fqdn.split(".")[0] self.fqdn = fqdn self.domain = domain_name self.ca_configured = ca_configured self.__add_ipa_ca_cname()
host = fqdn.split(".")[0] = host self.fqdn = fqdn self.domain = domain_name suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(realm_name)
zone = domain_name resource_records = ( ("_ldap._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 389 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kerberos._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kerberos._udp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kerberos-master._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kerberos-master._udp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kpasswd._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 464 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_kpasswd._udp", "SRV", "0 100 464 %s" % self.host_in_rr), ("_ntp._udp", "SRV", "0 100 123 %s" % self.host_in_rr), (IPA_CA_CNAME, "CNAME", self.host_in_rr), ("@", "NS", fqdn+"."), )
for (record, type, rdata) in resource_records: del_rr(zone, record, type, rdata)
areclist = [("A", x) for x in get_rr(zone, host, "A")] + [("AAAA", x) for x in get_rr(zone, host, "AAAA")] for (type, rdata) in areclist: del_rr(zone, host, type, rdata)
rzone = find_reverse_zone(rdata) if rzone is not None: record = get_reverse_record_name(rzone, rdata) del_rr(rzone, record, "PTR", fqdn+".") # remove also master NS record from the reverse zone del_rr(rzone, "@", "NS", fqdn+".")
""" Check global DNS configuration in LDAP server and inform user when it set and thus overrides his configured options in named.conf. """ result = api.Command.dnsconfig_show() global_conf_set = any(param in result['result'] for \ param in api.Object['dnsconfig'].params)
if not global_conf_set: print "Global DNS configuration in LDAP server is empty" print "You can use 'dnsconfig-mod' command to set global DNS options that" print "would override settings in local named.conf files" return
print "Global DNS configuration in LDAP server is not empty" print "The following configuration options override local settings in named.conf:" print "" textui = ipalib.cli.textui() api.Command.dnsconfig_show.output_for_cli(textui, result, None, reverse=False)
if self.is_configured(): self.print_msg("Unconfiguring %s" % self.service_name)
running = self.restore_state("running") enabled = self.restore_state("enabled")
if not running is None: self.stop()
for f in [NAMED_CONF, RESOLV_CONF]: try: self.fstore.restore_file(f) except ValueError, error: root_logger.debug(error) pass
if not enabled is None and not enabled: self.disable()
if not running is None and running: self.start() |