Coverage for ipaserver/install/dsinstance : 18%

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# Authors: Karl MacMillan <> # Simo Sorce <> # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. #
if ipautil.dir_exists(SERVER_ROOT_64): return SERVER_ROOT_64 else: return SERVER_ROOT_32
return "-".join(realm_name.split("."))
return "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-" + serverid + "/"
return config_dirname(serverid) + "/schema/"
installutils.rmtree("/etc/dirsrv/slapd-%s" % serverid)
installutils.rmtree("/usr/lib/dirsrv/slapd-%s" % serverid)
installutils.rmtree("/usr/lib64/dirsrv/slapd-%s" % serverid)
installutils.rmtree("/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-%s" % serverid)
installutils.rmtree("/var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-%s" % serverid)
installutils.remove_file("/var/run/slapd-%s.socket" % serverid)
installutils.rmtree("/var/lib/dirsrv/scripts-%s" % serverid)
installutils.remove_file("/etc/sysconfig/dirsrv-%s" % serverid)
# try: # shutil.rmtree("/var/log/dirsrv/slapd-%s" % serverid) # except: # pass
''' Return a sorted list of all 389ds instances.
If the instance name ends with '.removed' it is ignored. This matches 389ds behavior. '''
dirsrv_instance_dir='/etc/dirsrv' instance_prefix = 'slapd-'
instances = []
for basename in os.listdir(dirsrv_instance_dir): pathname = os.path.join(dirsrv_instance_dir, basename) # Must be a directory if os.path.isdir(pathname): # Must start with prefix and not end with .removed if basename.startswith(instance_prefix) and not basename.endswith('.removed'): # Strip off prefix instance = basename[len(instance_prefix):] # Must be non-empty if instance: instances.append(instance)
instances.sort() return instances
""" Check of Directory server ports are open.
Returns a tuple with two booleans, one for unsecure port 389 and one for secure port 636. True means that the port is free, False means that the port is taken. """ ds_unsecure = not ipautil.host_port_open(None, 389) ds_secure = not ipautil.host_port_open(None, 636) return (ds_unsecure, ds_secure)
return ipaservices.knownservices.dirsrv.is_running(instance_name=server_id)
[General] FullMachineName= $FQDN SuiteSpotUserID= $USER SuiteSpotGroup= $GROUP ServerRoot= $SERVER_ROOT [slapd] ServerPort= 389 ServerIdentifier= $SERVERID Suffix= $SUFFIX RootDN= cn=Directory Manager RootDNPwd= $PASSWORD InstallLdifFile= /var/lib/dirsrv/boot.ldif inst_dir= /var/lib/dirsrv/scripts-$SERVERID """
dn: $SUFFIX objectClass: top objectClass: domain objectClass: pilotObject dc: $BASEDC info: IPA V2.0 """
service.Service.__init__(self, "dirsrv", service_desc="directory server", dm_password=dm_password, ldapi=False, autobind=service.DISABLED ) self.nickname = 'Server-Cert' self.dm_password = dm_password self.realm_name = realm_name self.sub_dict = None self.domain = domain_name self.serverid = None self.fqdn = None self.pkcs12_info = None self.dercert = None self.idstart = None self.idmax = None self.subject_base = None self.open_ports = [] self.run_init_memberof = True if realm_name: self.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(self.realm_name) self.__setup_sub_dict() else: self.suffix = DN()
if fstore: self.fstore = fstore else: self.fstore = sysrestore.FileStore('/var/lib/ipa/sysrestore')
self.step("creating directory server user", self.__create_ds_user) self.step("creating directory server instance", self.__create_instance) self.step("adding default schema", self.__add_default_schemas) self.step("enabling memberof plugin", self.__add_memberof_module) self.step("enabling winsync plugin", self.__add_winsync_module) self.step("configuring replication version plugin", self.__config_version_module) self.step("enabling IPA enrollment plugin", self.__add_enrollment_module) self.step("enabling ldapi", self.__enable_ldapi) self.step("configuring uniqueness plugin", self.__set_unique_attrs) self.step("configuring uuid plugin", self.__config_uuid_module) self.step("configuring modrdn plugin", self.__config_modrdn_module) self.step("configuring DNS plugin", self.__config_dns_module) self.step("enabling entryUSN plugin", self.__enable_entryusn) self.step("configuring lockout plugin", self.__config_lockout_module) self.step("creating indices", self.__create_indices) self.step("enabling referential integrity plugin", self.__add_referint_module) if not dogtag.install_constants.SHARED_DB or enable_ssl: self.step("configuring ssl for ds instance", self.enable_ssl) self.step("configuring certmap.conf", self.__certmap_conf) self.step("configure autobind for root", self.__root_autobind) self.step("configure new location for managed entries", self.__repoint_managed_entries) self.step("restarting directory server", self.__restart_instance)
self.step("initializing group membership", self.init_memberof) self.step("adding master entry", self.__add_master_entry) self.step("configuring Posix uid/gid generation", self.__config_uidgid_gen) self.step("adding replication acis", self.__add_replication_acis) self.step("enabling compatibility plugin", self.__enable_compat_plugin) self.step("tuning directory server", self.__tuning)
self.step("configuring directory to start on boot", self.__enable)
self_signed_ca, subject_base, idstart, idmax, pkcs12_info): self.realm_name = realm_name.upper() self.serverid = realm_to_serverid(self.realm_name) self.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(self.realm_name) self.fqdn = fqdn self.dm_password = dm_password self.domain = domain_name self.principal = "ldap/%s@%s" % (self.fqdn, self.realm_name) self.self_signed_ca = False self.subject_base = subject_base self.idstart = idstart self.idmax = idmax self.pkcs12_info = pkcs12_info
dm_password, pkcs12_info=None, self_signed_ca=False, idstart=1100, idmax=999999, subject_base=None, hbac_allow=True): self.init_info( realm_name, fqdn, domain_name, dm_password, self_signed_ca, subject_base, idstart, idmax, pkcs12_info)
self.step("adding default layout", self.__add_default_layout) self.step("adding delegation layout", self.__add_delegation_layout) self.step("creating container for managed entries", self.__managed_entries) self.step("configuring user private groups", self.__user_private_groups) self.step("configuring netgroups from hostgroups", self.__host_nis_groups) self.step("creating default Sudo bind user", self.__add_sudo_binduser) self.step("creating default Auto Member layout", self.__add_automember_config) self.step("adding range check plugin", self.__add_range_check_plugin) if hbac_allow: self.step("creating default HBAC rule allow_all", self.add_hbac)
domain_name, dm_password, pkcs12_info=None): # idstart and idmax are configured so that the range is seen as # depleted by the DNA plugin and the replica will go and get a # new range from the master. # This way all servers use the initially defined range by default. idstart = 1101 idmax = 1100
self.init_info( realm_name, fqdn, domain_name, dm_password, None, None, idstart, idmax, pkcs12_info) self.master_fqdn = master_fqdn
self.step("setting up initial replication", self.__setup_replica) # See LDIFs for automember configuration during replica install self.step("setting Auto Member configuration", self.__add_replica_automember_config) self.step("enabling S4U2Proxy delegation", self.__setup_s4u2proxy)
replication.enable_replication_version_checking(self.fqdn, self.realm_name, self.dm_password)
repl = replication.ReplicationManager(self.realm_name, self.fqdn, self.dm_password) repl.setup_replication(self.master_fqdn, r_binddn=DN(('cn', 'Directory Manager')), r_bindpw=self.dm_password) self.run_init_memberof = repl.needs_memberof_fixup()
self.backup_state("enabled", self.is_enabled()) # At the end of the installation ipa-server-install will enable the # 'ipa' service wich takes care of starting/stopping dirsrv self.disable()
server_root = find_server_root() try: idrange_size = self.idmax - self.idstart + 1 except TypeError: idrange_size = None self.sub_dict = dict(FQDN=self.fqdn, SERVERID=self.serverid, PASSWORD=self.dm_password, RANDOM_PASSWORD=self.generate_random(), SUFFIX=self.suffix, REALM=self.realm_name, USER=DS_USER, SERVER_ROOT=server_root, DOMAIN=self.domain, TIME=int(time.time()), IDSTART=self.idstart, IDMAX=self.idmax, HOST=self.fqdn, ESCAPED_SUFFIX=str(self.suffix), GROUP=DS_GROUP, IDRANGE_SIZE=idrange_size )
try: pwd.getpwnam(DS_USER) root_logger.debug("ds user %s exists" % DS_USER) except KeyError: root_logger.debug("adding ds user %s" % DS_USER) args = ["/usr/sbin/useradd", "-g", DS_GROUP, "-c", "DS System User", "-d", "/var/lib/dirsrv", "-s", "/sbin/nologin", "-M", "-r", DS_USER] try: root_logger.debug("done adding user") except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e: root_logger.critical("failed to add user %s" % e)
pent = pwd.getpwnam(DS_USER)
self.backup_state("serverid", self.serverid) self.fstore.backup_file("/etc/sysconfig/dirsrv")
self.sub_dict['BASEDC'] = self.realm_name.split('.')[0].lower() base_txt = ipautil.template_str(BASE_TEMPLATE, self.sub_dict) root_logger.debug(base_txt)
target_fname = '/var/lib/dirsrv/boot.ldif' base_fd = open(target_fname, "w") base_fd.write(base_txt) base_fd.close()
# Must be readable for dirsrv os.chmod(target_fname, 0440) os.chown(target_fname, pent.pw_uid, pent.pw_gid)
inf_txt = ipautil.template_str(INF_TEMPLATE, self.sub_dict) root_logger.debug("writing inf template") inf_fd = ipautil.write_tmp_file(inf_txt) inf_txt = re.sub(r"RootDNPwd=.*\n", "", inf_txt) root_logger.debug(inf_txt) if ipautil.file_exists("/usr/sbin/"): args = ["/usr/sbin/", "--silent", "--logfile", "-", "-f",] root_logger.debug("calling") else: args = ["/usr/bin/",] root_logger.debug("calling") try: root_logger.debug("completed creating ds instance") except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e: root_logger.critical("failed to create ds instance %s" % e)
# check for open port 389 from now on self.open_ports.append(389)
root_logger.debug("restarting ds instance") try: self.__restart_instance() root_logger.debug("done restarting ds instance") except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e: print "failed to restart ds instance", e root_logger.debug("failed to restart ds instance %s" % e) inf_fd.close() os.remove("/var/lib/dirsrv/boot.ldif")
pent = pwd.getpwnam(DS_USER) for schema_fname in ("60kerberos.ldif", "60samba.ldif", "60ipaconfig.ldif", "60basev2.ldif", "60basev3.ldif", "60ipadns.ldif", "61kerberos-ipav3.ldif", "65ipasudo.ldif"): target_fname = schema_dirname(self.serverid) + schema_fname shutil.copyfile(ipautil.SHARE_DIR + schema_fname, target_fname) os.chmod(target_fname, 0440) # read access for dirsrv user/group os.chown(target_fname, pent.pw_uid, pent.pw_gid)
try: shutil.move(schema_dirname(self.serverid) + "05rfc2247.ldif", schema_dirname(self.serverid) + "05rfc2247.ldif.old")
target_fname = schema_dirname(self.serverid) + "05rfc2247.ldif" shutil.copyfile(ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "05rfc2247.ldif", target_fname) os.chmod(target_fname, 0440) os.chown(target_fname, pent.pw_uid, pent.pw_gid) except IOError: # Does not apply with newer DS releases pass
try: super(DsInstance, self).restart(instance) if not is_ds_running(instance): root_logger.critical("Failed to restart the directory server. See the installation log for details.") sys.exit(1) except SystemExit, e: raise e except Exception, e: # TODO: roll back here? root_logger.critical("Failed to restart the directory server (%s). See the installation log for details." % e)
if not self.run_init_memberof: return
self._ldap_mod("memberof-task.ldif", self.sub_dict) # Note, keep dn in sync with dn in install/share/memberof-task.ldif dn = DN(('cn', 'IPA install %s' % self.sub_dict["TIME"]), ('cn', 'memberof task'), ('cn', 'tasks'), ('cn', 'config')) root_logger.debug("Waiting for memberof task to complete.") conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(self.fqdn) if self.dm_password: conn.do_simple_bind( DN(('cn', 'directory manager')), self.dm_password) else: conn.do_sasl_gssapi_bind() replication.wait_for_task(conn, dn) conn.unbind()
ld = ldapupdate.LDAPUpdate(dm_password=self.dm_password, sub_dict=self.sub_dict, plugins=True) files = ld.get_all_files(ldapupdate.UPDATES_DIR) ld.update(files)
self._ldap_mod("unique-attributes.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("dna.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("master-entry.ldif", self.sub_dict)
ld = ldapupdate.LDAPUpdate(dm_password=self.dm_password, sub_dict=self.sub_dict) rv = ld.update(['/usr/share/ipa/schema_compat.uldif']) if not rv: raise RuntimeError("Enabling compatibility plugin failed")
self._ldap_mod("uuid-conf.ldif") self._ldap_mod("uuid-ipauniqueid.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("modrdn-conf.ldif") self._ldap_mod("modrdn-krbprinc.ldif", self.sub_dict)
# Configure DNS plugin unconditionally as we would otherwise have # troubles if other replica just configured DNS with ipa-dns-install self._ldap_mod("ipa-dns-conf.ldif")
self._ldap_mod("repoint-managed-entries.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("managed-entries.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("user_private_groups.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("host_nis_groups.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("enrollment-conf.ldif", self.sub_dict)
return ipautil.ipa_generate_password()
dirname = config_dirname(self.serverid) dsdb = certs.CertDB(self.realm_name, nssdir=dirname, subject_base=self.subject_base) if self.pkcs12_info: dsdb.create_from_pkcs12(self.pkcs12_info[0], self.pkcs12_info[1]) server_certs = dsdb.find_server_certs() if len(server_certs) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not find a suitable server cert in import in %s" % self.pkcs12_info[0])
# We only handle one server cert nickname = server_certs[0][0] self.dercert = dsdb.get_cert_from_db(nickname, pem=False) dsdb.track_server_cert(nickname, self.principal, dsdb.passwd_fname, 'restart_dirsrv %s' % self.serverid ) else: nickname = "Server-Cert" cadb = certs.CertDB(self.realm_name, host_name=self.fqdn, subject_base=self.subject_base) if self.self_signed_ca: dsdb.create_from_cacert(cadb.cacert_fname, passwd=None) self.dercert = dsdb.create_server_cert("Server-Cert", self.fqdn, cadb) dsdb.track_server_cert("Server-Cert", self.principal, dsdb.passwd_fname, 'restart_dirsrv %s' % self.serverid) dsdb.create_pin_file() else: # FIXME, need to set this nickname in the RA plugin cadb.export_ca_cert('ipaCert', False) dsdb.create_from_cacert(cadb.cacert_fname, passwd=None) self.dercert = dsdb.create_server_cert("Server-Cert", self.fqdn, cadb) dsdb.track_server_cert("Server-Cert", self.principal, dsdb.passwd_fname, 'restart_dirsrv %s' % self.serverid) dsdb.create_pin_file()
conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(self.fqdn) conn.do_simple_bind(DN(('cn', 'directory manager')), self.dm_password)
mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsSSLClientAuth", "allowed"), (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsSSL3Ciphers", "-rsa_null_md5,+rsa_rc4_128_md5,+rsa_rc4_40_md5,+rsa_rc2_40_md5,\ +rsa_des_sha,+rsa_fips_des_sha,+rsa_3des_sha,+rsa_fips_3des_sha,+fortezza,\ +fortezza_rc4_128_sha,+fortezza_null,+tls_rsa_export1024_with_rc4_56_sha,\ +tls_rsa_export1024_with_des_cbc_sha")] conn.modify_s(DN(('cn', 'encryption'), ('cn', 'config')), mod)
mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, "nsslapd-security", "on")] conn.modify_s(DN(('cn', 'config')), mod)
entry = conn.make_entry( DN(('cn', 'RSA'), ('cn', 'encryption'), ('cn', 'config')), objectclass=["top", "nsEncryptionModule"], cn=["RSA"], nsSSLPersonalitySSL=[nickname], nsSSLToken=["internal (software)"], nsSSLActivation=["on"], ) conn.add_entry(entry)
# check for open secure port 636 from now on self.open_ports.append(636)
""" Upload the CA certificate in DER form in the LDAP directory. """
dirname = config_dirname(self.serverid) certdb = certs.CertDB(self.realm_name, nssdir=dirname, subject_base=self.subject_base)
dercert = certdb.get_cert_from_db(certdb.cacert_name, pem=False) self.sub_dict['CADERCERT'] = base64.b64encode(dercert)
self._ldap_mod('upload-cacert.ldif', self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("bootstrap-template.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("delegation.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("replica-acis.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("replica-s4u2proxy.ldif", self.sub_dict)
shutil.copyfile(ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "certmap.conf.template", config_dirname(self.serverid) + "certmap.conf") installutils.update_file(config_dirname(self.serverid) + "certmap.conf", '$REALM', self.realm_name)
self._ldap_mod("ldapi.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("default-hbac.ldif", self.sub_dict)
root_logger.debug("Changing admin password") dirname = config_dirname(self.serverid) dmpwdfile = "" admpwdfile = ""
try: (dmpwdfd, dmpwdfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='/var/lib/ipa') os.write(dmpwdfd, self.dm_password) os.close(dmpwdfd)
(admpwdfd, admpwdfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='/var/lib/ipa') os.write(admpwdfd, password) os.close(admpwdfd)
args = ["/usr/bin/ldappasswd", "-h", self.fqdn, "-ZZ", "-x", "-D", str(DN(('cn', 'Directory Manager'))), "-y", dmpwdfile, "-T", admpwdfile, str(DN(('uid', 'admin'), ('cn', 'users'), ('cn', 'accounts'), self.suffix))] try: env = { 'LDAPTLS_CACERTDIR':os.path.dirname(CACERT), 'LDAPTLS_CACERT':CACERT }, env=env) root_logger.debug("ldappasswd done") except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e: print "Unable to set admin password", e root_logger.debug("Unable to set admin password %s" % e)
finally: if os.path.isfile(dmpwdfile): os.remove(dmpwdfile) if os.path.isfile(admpwdfile): os.remove(admpwdfile)
if self.is_configured(): self.print_msg("Unconfiguring directory server")
enabled = self.restore_state("enabled")
# Just eat this state if it exists running = self.restore_state("running")
try: self.fstore.restore_file("/etc/security/limits.conf") self.fstore.restore_file("/etc/sysconfig/dirsrv") except ValueError, error: root_logger.debug(error) pass
if not enabled is None and not enabled: self.disable()
serverid = self.restore_state("serverid") if not serverid is None: # drop the trailing / off the config_dirname so the directory # will match what is in certmonger dirname = config_dirname(serverid)[:-1] dsdb = certs.CertDB(self.realm_name, nssdir=dirname) dsdb.untrack_server_cert("Server-Cert") erase_ds_instance_data(serverid)
# At one time we removed this user on uninstall. That can potentially # orphan files, or worse, if another useradd runs in the intermim, # cause files to have a new owner. user_exists = self.restore_state("user_exists")
# Make sure some upgrade-related state is removed. This could cause # re-installation problems. self.restore_state('nsslapd-port') self.restore_state('nsslapd-security') self.restore_state('nsslapd-ldapiautobind')
# If any dirsrv instances remain after we've removed ours then # (re)start them. for ds_instance in get_ds_instances(): try: ipaservices.knownservices.dirsrv.restart(ds_instance, wait=False) except Exception, e: root_logger.error('Unable to restart ds instance %s: %s', ds_instance, e)
# we could probably move this function into the service.Service # class - it's very generic - all we need is a way to get an # instance of a particular Service """Add a CA certificate to the directory server cert db. We first have to shut down the directory server in case it has opened the cert db read-only. Then we use the CertDB class to add the CA cert. We have to provide a nickname, and we do not use 'IPA CA' since that's the default, so we use 'Imported CA' if none specified. Then we restart the server.""" # first make sure we have a valid cacert_fname try: if not os.access(cacert_fname, os.R_OK): root_logger.critical("The given CA cert file named [%s] could not be read" % cacert_fname) return False except OSError, e: root_logger.critical("The given CA cert file named [%s] could not be read: %s" % (cacert_fname, str(e))) return False # ok - ca cert file can be read # shutdown the server self.stop()
dirname = config_dirname(realm_to_serverid(self.realm_name)) certdb = certs.CertDB(self.realm_name, nssdir=dirname, subject_base=self.subject_base) if not cacert_name or len(cacert_name) == 0: cacert_name = "Imported CA" # we can't pass in the nickname, so we set the instance variable certdb.cacert_name = cacert_name status = True try: certdb.load_cacert(cacert_fname) except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e: root_logger.critical("Error importing CA cert file named [%s]: %s" % (cacert_fname, str(e))) status = False # restart the directory server self.start()
return status
""" Increase the number of files descriptors available to directory server from the default 1024 to 8192. This will allow to support a greater number of clients out of the box. """
# check limits.conf need_limits = True fd = open("/etc/security/limits.conf", "r") lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: sline = line.strip() if not sline.startswith(DS_USER): continue if sline.find('nofile') == -1: continue # ok we already have an explicit entry for user/nofile need_limits = False
# check sysconfig/dirsrv need_sysconf = True fd = open("/etc/sysconfig/dirsrv", "r") lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: sline = line.strip() if not sline.startswith('ulimit'): continue if sline.find('-n') == -1: continue # ok we already have an explicit entry for file limits need_sysconf = False
#if sysconf or limits are set avoid messing up and defer to the admin if need_sysconf and need_limits: self.fstore.backup_file("/etc/security/limits.conf") fd = open("/etc/security/limits.conf", "a+") fd.write('%s\t\t-\tnofile\t\t%s\n' % (DS_USER, str(num))) fd.close()
fd = open("/etc/sysconfig/dirsrv", "a+") fd.write('ulimit -n %s\n' % str(num)) fd.close()
else:"Custom file limits are already set! Skipping\n") print "Custom file limits are already set! Skipping\n" return
# finally change also DS configuration # NOTE: dirsrv will not allow you to set max file descriptors unless # the user limits allow it, so we have to restart dirsrv before # attempting to change them in cn=config self.__restart_instance()
nf_sub_dict = dict(NOFILES=str(num)) self._ldap_mod("ds-nfiles.ldif", nf_sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("sudobind.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("automember.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("replica-automember.ldif", self.sub_dict)
self._ldap_mod("range-check-conf.ldif", self.sub_dict)
dn = DN(('cn', 'default'), ('ou', 'profile'), self.suffix) try: entry = self.admin_conn.get_entry(dn) srvlist = entry.single_value('defaultServerList', '') srvlist = srvlist.split() if not self.fqdn in srvlist: srvlist.append(self.fqdn) attr = ' '.join(srvlist) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'defaultServerList', attr)] self.admin_conn.modify_s(dn, mod) except errors.NotFound: pass except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: pass
self.ldap_disconnect() |